Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the ARAR Board of Directors and the Organizing Committee it is my great honor to invite you to join us in Cluj Napoca between 18 – 20 February 2016, for the first meeting of the Romanian Association of Regional Anesthesia. The meeting is organized with the support of ESRA and SRATI. We wish to gather together anesthetists and anesthesia nurses with an interest in regional anesthesia.
The scientific program will include presentations from basic sciences, presentations “state of the art”, debates of current issues in the field of regional anesthesia and workshops. Scientific Committee is trying to develop a program of interactive presentations with a real and constant interaction between lecturers and audience throughout the event. Along with Romanian lecturers, we have invited ESRA lecturers and other special guests.
You are also invited to present your accomplishments in the special section of posters or oral presentations at the conference.
At this meeting we will celebrate the launch of Romanian Association of Regional Anesthesia and we will organize the first elections for the Executive Committee.

We welcome you in Cluj Napoca,
Dan-Sebastian-DîrzuDan Sebastian Dîrzu,
ARAR Secretary
President of the Organizing Committee