Creating memorable events, making things move

MedEvents was launched on the market of professional event management, having acquired a solid public relations experience in the academic environment. Our business has constantly grown, by attracting specialists in the field of event organisation. We understand how the university system works in Romania and want to take an active part in its development. Our project started, therefore, from a genuine need: to contribute – through the organisation of events – to putting Romanian medical research and practice on the European map

Because we are well aware of the doctors need for continuous professional training, our goal is to strengthen a trustful relationship with our partners. The high quality services represent our desideratum. We build our prestige by respecting people around us. We believe that honesty, transparency and professional concern towards the client make up the sole strategy that makes the diff erence.

We have a young, dynamic and committed team, and together with professors, researchers and entrepreneurs we wish to take things to a new level, to make a difference.

MedEvents is much more than a logistic mediator in organising professional events. We have a rich expertise, based on inside knowledge of the academic and professional environments with which we interact and to which we offer services of the highest quality.

We believe that once broken, trust is difficult to rebuild, both in life and in business. That’s why we base our prestige on respect for our partners’ resources, on intense work and on our professionalism.


Împreună suntem MedEvents

Medici care organizează evenimente impecabile de formare continuă pentru și împreună cu profesorii și colegii lor.

Prenume Nume

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud.

Prenume Nume

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud.

Prenume Nume

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud.

  • Una din satisfacțiile cele mai mari aduse de proiectul MedEvents este reacția neschimbată a clientului: doi pași înapoi și mimica surprizei.

    Dr. Ionuț Gana


We have developed a strong consultancy services division. We engage in the most relevant projects on the market, providing highly efficient conceptual frameworks and creative, competitive solutions.


With over a decade of experience organizing high-standard medical events, MedEvents has established itself as a leader in the industry. Discover the high standards we uphold and those of our esteemed partners. Explore some of our notable projects that highlight our expertise and recommend us.

Our strategy


We manage resources in such a way as to maintain high standards of excellence and to optimise the costs. Meeting deadlines and suiting our partners’ budgets is a priority, not just an opportunity, for us.


We seek innovative solutions, rely on integrated thinking and apply customised organisational culture models. We are intensely committed to meeting every challenge that comes our way and can offer alternative solutions to standard events.


What sets us apart is our expertise, our tenacity and availability, as well  as what we achieve, each and every time. For us, excellence is not just a slogan, but a habit.